Wow! Another year has passed, and we are heading into 2021. Jim and I have now been Joint National Administrators for HREW since James left us in December 2019 and what a year it has been. We started the year with running shoes on as there was a lot to do. At this point I will whisper “GDPR”, as this had to be addressed, but tooth extraction may be a little more appealing! The National Conference was on the agenda and we were almost ready to go when the Pandemic hit, and everything stopped!
However, as we were planning the Conference, we developed a good working relationship with Jean-Luc Trachsel’s PA and the team at IAHM-AIMG. From that relationship came an invitation to set up and host the English-speaking prayer room for the ‘PRESENCE 2020’ (online) Conference. Receiving that invitation was at first incredibly exciting and then it was slightly terrifying, as were we going to ‘jump out of the boat’. So yes, we did, and yes, Jesus caught us – he most certainly did. The HQ team needed more ‘hands and feet’ and we needed to grow, but the Lord had it all in hand.
Two of our local Congleton volunteers, Brian and Vera offered their help with the technical side of Zoom and they have been an absolute blessing to work with. Additionally, we have had amazing support from the HR members around the UK. They have prayed for us, supported ‘PRESENCE 2020’ and have been blessed as they have seen the Lord touch, heal and deliver people during both ‘PRESENCE 2020’ and the subsequent Miracles & Healings Nights. For Jim and me it has been a pleasure to get to know so many of the wonderful HR team members. Zoom has been an amazing vehicle for us all …